• Wellness Through Homoeopathy


Role of Homoeopathy For Kids :

We all would prefer natural healing for our children as far as possible without any medicines, but if we have to give supportive medicine for any condition, HOMOEOPATHY IS THE BEST SUGGESTION. Homoeopathy works on the law of Similars- like cures like. it means when a plant with medicinal properties is tested on a healthy human being, it produces a set of symptoms, and it is able to cure the same set of symptoms in a sick individual. Thus law of similar is one with nature. It does not harm the body in any way, while treating the sick person. For kids, we get a few but characteristic symptoms during sickness. So based on that if the correct remedy is prescribed, cures the child very fast.

Some salient features of homoeopathic medicine:

  • It is very safe medicine , even kids can be given at any age.
  • It is convenient to take, so no hassles of kids spilling or refusing the medicine, in fact they willingly take medicines.
  • It is very fast acting, esp in acute conditions like cold, cough fever, any type of pain, head injury, toothache, eye infection, etc.
  • It is useful in chronic conditions such as long term or frequent cold cough, skin problems, for weight gain by proper metabolism, childhood obesity, increasing concentration, etc.
  • It can be taken for long time without any side effects.
  • Its immune boosting factor is very beneficial, for almost all conditions, stronger immunity means lesser infections.
Let me discuss some simple cases with great results

Case 1

A 1.5 year old child, was too restless, continuously suffering from cold cough fever and alternatively loose motions, could not sleep for more than an hour at a stretch, even at night. Parents sleep was also disturbed because of this restlesness. After starting homoepathy, condition improved greatly in first few days itself, relief from cold cough was immediate, followed by appetite and sleep improvement. Restlesness of many months was relieved. Child who did not play at all and was cranky all the time, became v playful and was a happy child now. Within 3 months of treatment his general condition was much better and no more episodes of infections.

Case 2

A 9 yr old child with allergic rhinitis and spasmodic cough only at night in sleep, disturbing sleep daily for a few months,all started after typhoid infection, had taken various medicines including steroids for cough. On starting with homeopathy, gradually his immunity improved, leading to relief in cough and subsequent improvement in sleep. Child even gained weight with a few months treatment.

Case 3

A 5 yr old child with allergic dermatitis , complained of incessant itching on thighs and legs,scratching and redness was very troublesome. We took her entire history and started with constitutional medicine which brought about great relief in itching as well as the lesions regressed considerably . Again a few months treatment to raise her immunity led to total improvement in her condition.