• Wellness Through Homoeopathy


Homoeopathy is founded by Dr. Samuel Hahnemann upon principles that are in turn founded uponnatural laws. It was discovered just 200 years ago and if it is most recent then it has to be more advanced than any other science. If Homoeopathy is founded upon natural laws, it is as basic and eternal as the hills. These fundamental laws remain firm and intact and they are sufficiently basic to provide a sure guide to health.
Homoeopathy considers the man as a whole, not just his individual parts but as a complete unit in itself, of which all his parts comprise a well-balanced whole. Homoeopathy not only treats the man in disease but it goes further than this, for it seeks to relieve the individual as much as possible from the heavy burden of the hereditary tendencies he carries and to guard against increasing this load by enabling his vital energy to provide its own immunity against disease. It treats "Man in disease and not disease in man".Homoeopathy offers a life of service to humanity and is the only method of healing that surely sets the sick man and sick woman

on the permanent road to recovery. Though we may fail, the failure is ours-homeopaths; it is not the failure of homoeopathy. A homoeopath trains himself to observe all those signs which the vital energy writes upon the human face and he must be able to interpret all the signs which show through habits and circumstances into indications for the health-restoring medicines which he has at his command. Hours are spent to INDIVIDUALIZE the patient from others, tracing the course of the disturbance and the remedy to fit it, always basing the process upon the sound rock of natural law.


We strongly believe and follow the two basic principles laid down by Dr. Samuel Hahnemann, the father founder of Homoeopathy, which apply universally to all physicians, from any school of medicine:

  • The physician's high and only mission is to restore the sick to health, to cure, as it is termed.
  • The highest ideal of cure is rapid, gentle and permanent restoration of the health, or removal and annihilation of the disease in its whole extent, in the shortest, most reliable, and most harmless way, on easily comprehensible principles.
Our philosophy is based on the very understanding of the fact that to re-establish a state of Wholistic health - one has to work along-with nature, not against it. It is when the body's vital force or immunity breaks down, due to chronic repeated Stress, does the body become weak & susceptible to various infections as well as illness.

To re-establish the lost sense of Well-being, one has to take the help of nature & natural systems of medicine to restore a healthy balance at the level of Mind, Body & Soul.

Common Facts of Homoeopathy

  • In Homoeopathy, very minimal doses are used with no side effects.
  • Homeopathic remedies are tested and proved on humans
  • Homeopathic remedies work on mind and body and also relieve tensions, worries and anxiety.
  • Homeopathic treatment improves harmony in one's body, personal life and professional growth
  • Homoeopathy strengthens ones immune system & thus reduces the chances of illnesses and infection
  • It focuses on the prevention of disease by encouraging the body's innate ability to heal.
  • Homoeopathy is both alternate & complimentary, as it works all by itself & also when combined with other therapies like Yoga and Pranic healing, where the patients are usually asked to continue their normal medications while either beginning or continuing their preferred treatment.
  • Homoeopathy maintains that the vital force has the ability to react and adapt to internal and external causes; both physical and psychological state. The treatments are based on genetic and personal health history, body type, and current physical, emotional and mental symptoms. Known to boost the natural defense mechanism of body, homeopathy is also considered as an effective preventive medicine and helps in an overall sense of well-being.
  • Over the years, homeopathic remedies have gained international acceptance and are widely accepted as an effective alternate medicine when taken under the supervision of trained professionals are considered safe.